There’s nothing I love more than working with creative entrepreneurs to elevate your businesses. It’s such an honor for me to be entrusted with your brand… but I know it can be scary to entrust your business to someone else. It’s a bit daunting, and it’s a big investment. But it’s worth every penny!
An intentional brand will elevate your business in the eyes of potential clients. It will help you put your best foot forward with a polished presentation. It will convey personality and professionalism to your audience.
Branding is important. But so is the timing of it.
I see too many creatives invest in branding at the wrong time—at a time when it does not best serve their business. And, unfortunately, when the timing isn’t right… it can hurt your bank account more than it helps your business. To reach full potential, it’s important to invest in brand design when the timing is right.
How do you know when to invest in custom brand design?
Let’s start by marking a few red flags:
It is NOT the time to invest in a custom brand design if…
- You’re feeling bored and restless. I get it. We live in a fast-paced creative world, where we’re always chasing the next idea. It’s easy to feel restless with your current look… but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should change it. Brand recognition is important! Don’t confuse potential clients with inconsistent logo designs. Give yourself time (at least three months) to think about it before you pull the trigger and book a designer.
- You’re stuck in the comparison game. There are plenty of beautiful brands out there—and it’s easy to compare your own brand to the latest trend on Pinterest or Instagram. But re-branding out of comparison or envy rarely results in an intentional design… and the last thing you need is a logo that feels like a shadow of someone else’s.
- You’re new. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually advise against investing in custom brand design if you’re still getting started (with a few exceptions*). Why? First, it will save money that you can re-invest elsewhere as you’re getting your business off the ground.
Second, you’re not ready. You’re still figuring out who you are and what you have to offer. Your brand will naturally emerge on its own—through the way you write Instagram captions, the vendors you share space with, or the photography style that you’re most drawn to. All of these elements play into your brand and set the stage for a meaningful visual design.
I see far too many budding entrepreneurs spend thousands of dollars on a brand that doesn’t suit them after one year of growth. Let yourself evolve. Invest in custom design when you’re firmly rooted in a brand that feels like you. In the meantime, choose a clean and simple font that can easily grow with you until you’re ready to transition into something custom.
*Of course, there are exceptions. I’ve worked with some clients who are launching their business with SUCH a clear vision and a unique point of view. In some cases, I’ve met creatives who are ready to hit the ground running with a custom brand design. If you think you might fall into this category, don’t be afraid to ask for a Consultation! A skilled designer can help you discern whether or not a custom brand is the right fit at the right time.
So let’s talk about when it is the right time to pursue custom brand design:
The right time to invest in a custom brand design is
when the decision is not about you.
Did you catch that? Let me say it again:
The right time to invest in branding is when it is not for you—it’s for your potential clients.
Don’t get me wrong: in the creative industry, branding is highly personal. Because the industry is personal in nature, your brand will definitely reflect who you are—as it should. It should feel like coming home to your truest self.
But in the end, your brand should not be designed to attract you. It should be designed to appeal to your future clients! In our creative sphere, I think we often forget that those two things may not always be the same. What appeals to you may or may not directly appeal to your target audience. You may be tired of your existing logo… but that logo could be doing its job perfectly, attracting great clients within your target market.
So when should you re-brand? When you notice a gap between your existing logo and the audience you want to attract.
Invest in a custom brand design when you know that it will impact your audience. Invest when you notice a disconnect between your existing brand and the clients you desire to reach—when you need an elevated look to connect with an elevated clientele. Invest when you’ve transitioned into a market where a templated logo isn’t enough… a market where your clients are expecting something distinctive and personal. Invest when you are already rooted in your own voice and brand identity—but you need a professional designer to express it visually.
Don’t re-brand just to re-brand. Be discerning. Your brand design is an investment: it should help grow your business and reach your clientele. It must appeal to your audience, or it’s not worth the investment… and you’ll find yourself seeking a re-design in a few short months or years.
It’s a delicate balance: personal enough to reflect who you are… nuanced to appeal to your audience. Let’s be intentional about walking that fine line between the two!
Does this resonate with you? Do you find yourself reaching for an elevated target market… and feeling like your logo doesn’t quite speak to the right audience? If so, let’s work together! I would be so honored to give a distinctive new look to your business. I hope you’ll reach out to say hello and chat soon.